Chiropractic Testimonials

"After Kenneth adjusts me, I am able to take deep breaths, turn my neck, and I have energy! While adjusting me Ken is very aware of how I'm feeling with everything he is doing, he's very gentle and understanding.

Kenneth has also taught me about how everything in our body is tied together; so if I have subluxations, and am not taking care of my body I am opening it up for germs and diseases. Kenneth words complicated topics in ways that I can relate to and understand!"

- Rylie W.

"My results from chiropractic have been amazing. I went into the office with what I thought was nothing, but it turns out that I had many more underlying issues than I realized. After my first couple weeks of care I could already tell I had more energy and my aches and pains were severely decreased. Now after about 4 years of chiropractic care I rarely get headaches or colds, I have better posture, I can focus better, my anxiety has decreased, and I don't take ANY medications.

Chiropractic has truly changed my life. It has given me my health and so many opportunities outside of the office."

- Kalley K.

"I participate in a handful of sports including skiing, wakeboarding, and skateboarding. All of which put my body through a lot of impact, and physical stress. While Ken has been adjusting me I have noticed much greater flexibility, quicker recovery times, and better balance. All of these things help me perform better as an athlete but allow me to enjoy the sports I love more because I am not held back by aches and pains that normally come with the territory.

All in all, Ken has improved my quality of life through proper adjustment, by not only enhancing my experiences with the sports I am passionate about, but also being able to get through the day to day activities with less pain, and greater performance. Ken is very funny and charismatic while adjusting patients."

- Aaron H.

"Dr. Ken's care has helped relieve my seasonal allergies during the spring and fall months! With chiropractic care, I don't have to worry about stuffy noses or itchy/watery eyes! I can actually wear eye makeup during those seasons now!"

- Sarah N.

"Dr. Ken is one of the most caring and helpful doctors around! He has personally helped me in many ways and I can't thank him enough. Minnesota is lucky to have him serve in the community. Chiropractic is the best way to optimize your nervous system and live Life! Thank you Dr. Ken!"

- Zach B.

"Spending my formative training years with Dr. Ken Wilson, I have seen him develop into an excellent chiropractor. His adjustments are always precise. How great attitude always brightens my day. I would highly recommend!"

- Carolyn W.

"Dr. Ken is a very passionate and caring person. Apple Valley is in great hands with Dr. Ken and Cami helping families reach their health goals."

- Cory B.

"Dr. Ken is am amazing practitioner, he is very thorough and caring when he is delivering care to his patients. What i love about Dr. Ken is that he takes the time to explain everything that is going on so i can understand so I am never left in the dark. Apple Valley has had a positive addition to their community with Dr. Ken Wilson."

- Tony N.

"Dr Ken is a master at his craft. More importantly, Ken is a fun-loving, family man. He will help and inspire an enormous amount of people at in his career - just as he has me."

- Scott H.

"Dr. Ken's commitment to helping families live healthier and more vibrant lives is unparalleled. He deeply cares for his practice members and takes the time to explain to you exactly what is going on in your health and your nervous system. You will be sure to leave Awaken Life Chiropractic with a smile on your face! Dr. Ken and his wife, Cami make the perfect team to help your family reach your health goals!"

- Julia R.

"Dr. Wilson is great with kids! As a colleague, I will be sending anyone who needs a great pediatric Chiropractor in Minnesota to Awaken Life Chiropractic. The health problems he has helped people with is incredible."

- Jeff W.

"I would trust Dr. Ken with my life and my future children's life. He's kind, caring, thorough, and most of all compassionate about my health and goals. At Awaken Life I feel just that: awakened to a new potential with every adjustment. Thank you for caring for our community!"

- Mel K.


10:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

3:00pm - 6:00pm

10:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

3:00pm - 6:00pm


Saturday & Sunday

Awaken Life Chiropractic

7401 Metro Boulevard Suite 190A
Edina, MN 55439

(952) 314-5454